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About Me
I was born in Fairbanks, Alaska but currently live on Bainbridge Island with my husband, amazing daughter and two fuzzies (cats).
I am a lover and writer of poetry and picture books with a M.A. in Theoretical Psychology.
Reading wasn't always an easy part of my life. I loved books, and my imagination knew no boundaries. But, as a dyslexic, reading was a challenge.
Now, as a writer and avid reader, it is important for me to bridge gaps, hand out support, and remove the stigma for all with learning disabilities.
My desire as a writer, beyond entertaining readers is to connect and shower other's lives with hope by illuminating the beauty of our differences as gifts.
The Fledgling
-by Jane Langton
The White Dragon
-by Anne McCaffery
The War That Saved
My Life
-by Kimberly B. Bradley
All Mercer Mayer
Little Critter
The Big Hungry Bear
-by Audrey and
Don Wood
Wave and Shadow
-by Suzy Lee
The Aaron Becker Trilogy
After the Fall
-by Dan Santat
Don't Let the Pidgeon Drive the Bus
-by Mo Willems
The Absolutely True Story
of a Part Time Indian
-by Sherman Alexie
Fortunately the Milk
-by Neil Gaiman
The Songs of Distant Earth
-by Arthur C. Clarke
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